
The Bordeaux Quartet

The Bordeaux Quartet brings together four soloists hailing from different backgrounds but who all share a common passion for chamber music.

Having quickly made their mark, they now perform at many of today’s distinguished classical music events such as La folle journée in Nantes, Bilboa and Tokyo, the St. Petersburg’s Festival of Palaces, and the Bordeaux International Competition. With a passion for gathering and sharing a multitude of musi- cal influences, the ensemble regularly performs alongside many of the world’s leading soloists.

Regularly, they are invited as soloists to perform the Concerti for String Quartet and Orchestra by Ludwig Spohr, as well as works by Bohuslav Martinu and Edward Elgar, in music festivals throughout France.

Dedicatee of many musical compositions, the Bordeaux Quartet has also performed film and ballet scores in a variety of styles. The ensemble attaches great importance to teaching chamber music and offering master classes.

An active participant in the Bordeaux Opera’s chamber music season, the Bordeaux Quartet celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2011.