
25 juin

Death of Hsiu-Huei Réau Wang

It is with a deep emotion that we have just learned death from Hsiu-Huei Réau Wang. She left us in the night of May 24th continuations of a cancer which had unfortunately done it again. The khloros concert wishes to pay her quite specially tribute so much she is going to miss us by her presence, her humor, her breath, her calligraphy... Woman with character and impassioned, her opened us the doors of China, accompanying us in all our steps and journeys in this large country. She offered us this magnificent meeting with Wu Lin, talented Chinese Soprano whom she appreciated so much... She liked ardently her native land Taiwan which she had time to make discover to Odile Perceau last September... His presence will stay for ever with us so much we shall have in heart to pursue and to share with all it which particularly meant a lot to her: the dialogue of Arts between the East and the Occident...

We think of Franciscus Verellen, Director of the French School of Asian Studies which had presented Hsiu-Huei to us, hardly two years ago. We testify to his son Christophe all our friendship and our support in these painful moments.

Funerals will proceed Thursday, May 30 at 10:00 am in the church Saint François-Xavier - Paris 7°.
